The OpenView Distributed Management (DM) Platform is the leading, standards-based environment for building TMN solutions. The MOT is the essential developer productivity tool for the development of management solutions targeted for the DM Platform. Applications developed using the MOT can be immediately deployed on the DM Platform and access its servers.
An object-oriented agent
infrastructure (framework)
The C++ code generator extends the capabilities of the DM Developer's Kit
and provides DM application programmers with a C++ classes that the
developer can utilize to develop agent or manager applications. One subset
of the MOT-provided classes encapsulates XOM object manipulations for
manager developers when preparing CMIS requests.
The agent infrastructure handles CMIS request and prepares CMIS responses for the agent application, insulating the agent developer from the XOM/XMP (X/Open Management Protocols) API and the CMIS service model.
Spec Sheet (2.5M pcl file)
Generates OSI-conformant working agent
Agent handles CMIS service model automatically
Agent development environment hides XOM/XMP API
Agent supports concurrent CMIS request processing
Manager development environment provides convenience classes for CMIS
Supports system management functions 1-6, ISO 10164-1 through 10164-6
Provides extensible C++ classes (frameworks)
On-line hypertext help system
Accepts input from GDMO Modeling Toolset
Output will integrate with SoftBench tools
Supports multiple computer platform
MOT provides automatic mapping from GDMO object
specifications to C++ code implementation. This ensures consistent code
quality and style across large projects.
MOT generates code automatically, ensuring the reliability
and readability of software. Since a large percentage of the
application originates from generated code, errors introduced by
programmers are reduced.
Standards Conformance:
The C++ class libraries provided with the MOT
provide an OSI standard conformant implementation of the CMIS services
(e.g. get, replace, scoping, filtering, linked replies and service
errors, etc.).
Code Refuse:The
MOT provides a consistent mapping from analysis and
design through implementation, and a consistent agent framework which
enables managed object implementation software to be re-used in
different agent applications.
DM Platform
Integration:The MOT produces applications that may be
immediately deployed on the DM Platform.
HP-UX 9.03 or higher
RAM: 128 MB minimum,
128+ MB recommended
Disk: 50 MB for MOT,
1GB for code development
Color graphics display
and pointing device are required to access the
on-line hypertext help system
HP OpenView DM Platform
or DM Agent Platform 4.1
HP OpenView DM Developer's Kit 4.1
HP-UX C++ Compiler 3.70
HP OSI Transport Services/9000 (OTS/9000)
Solaris 2.4 or SunOS 4.1.3
RAM: 128 MB minimum,
128+ MB recommended
Disk: 50 MB for MOT,
1 GB for code development
Color graphics display
and pointing device are required to access the
on-line hypertext help system
HP OpenView DM Platform
or DM Agent Platform 4.1
HP OpenView DM Developer's Kit 4.1
For Solaris, C++ compiler 4.01
For SunOS, C++ Compiler 3.0.1
For Solaris, Sunlink OSI 8.0.2 or higher