The Future of the IN: Mobility

The Linea UT integrates the Cordless Telephone Mobility service (CTM) with the basic PSTN telephone service.

Cordless telephones can be used for three different applications: home, business, and public.

At home, the cordless telephone is not seen by the public network, only by the customer's own base station; security features guarantee that cordless telephones can only be used with their own base station and not those of the neighbors.

In the office, many PABXs will be offering private networks based on cordless terminals. The Linea UT offers centrex service with analog, ISDN and cordless access. Security features guarantee that only the company's cordless terminals can access the network.

The Linea UT offers the use of cordless terminals for public network access. Unlike GSM, which is based on a separate network, CTM is served from the same local PSTN exchange.

The cordless customer has access to a series of ISDN-like features.

Experimentation with CTM began in Italy in 1995.

The CTM standard is a functional architecture (a definition of which functions are performed by which network element) plus a radio interface standard and a set of well-defined services. The novelty of the CTM standard is that it is the first access method designed to be used in both public and private environments and to pass from one to the other without difficulty.

Italtel Societa' Italiana Telecomunicazioni Spa

Claudio Chiarenza, BUCT BPM
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Contact for Information: Claudio Chiarenza - BUCT BPM

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Revised: August 30, 1995