PREPARE is an abbreviation for PREPilot in Advanced REsource management.
PREPARE started on 1 January 1992.
The main goal of the PREPARE project is to investigate this problem and develop solutions through the realization of a demonstrator on a real IBC testbed.
Thursday, November 30, 1995 Live demonstration and presentation in: Copenhagen Tele Danmark KTAS Teglholmsgade 1 PREPARE will demonstrate inter-domain management based on TMN principles between Berlin, Copenhagen and London.
The PREPARE DEMO day '95 will demonstrate:
The PREPARE project is a research project in the European Union's RACE programme. This demonstration is the second and final demonstration of the project. The PREPARE DEMO day will also present results in the area of:
- Multi-vendor, multi-service, multi-domain ATM network
- End-to-end inter-domain management of broadband services
- Interworking between multi-vendor management platforms
- TMN X and TMN Q3 interfaces in a distributed testbed
- Service ensembles based on commercial requirements with use of TMN components
The programme: 09:00 - 09:30 Registration 09:30 - 09:40 Welcome, Introduction 09:40 - 10:00 PREPARE Project Overview 10:00 - 10:30 Introduction to demonstration 10:30 - 11:00 Coffee Break 11:00 - 12:30 Demonstration 12:30 - 14:00 Lunch Break 14:00 - 14:30 PREPARE TMN Architecture 14:30 - 15:00 ATM Network Management in PREPARE 15:00 - 15:30 PREPARE Virtual Private Network (VPN) Service 15:30 - 16:00 Multimedia Teleservice Management in PREPARE 14:00 - 18:00 Info Desks and Poster Sessions Demo day registration before November 22 to: Helle Carøe phone: +45 3399 6826 Tele Danmark fax: +45 3399 3211 Teglholmsgade 1 email: DK-1790 Copenhagen V Denmark Send mail to register. If you are unable to attend the PREPARE Demonstration day, you can still obtain a survey of PREPARE deliverables, Demo Day handouts and order form for the Prepare Book at the above address. Tele Danmark has a special rate at Sheraton hotel in Copenhagen: 600 DKK per night. Booking through Helle Carøe. And don't forget your umbrella!
- Using the pan-European ATM Pilot as backbone to interconnect 3 sites
- Public Networks (PN) based on ATM Cross Connects
- Multimedia Mail (MMM) and Conferencing (MMC) used as teleservices
- X interfaces between service providers
- Management of Global Store (MMM) and MMC services
- Integrated accounting features and itemised billing
- Virtual Private Networks (VPN)
- One-stop shopping and billing
- TMN-based management of IN services
Company | Name | Phone | Fax | |
GMD-Fokus | Michael Tschichholz | | +49 30 25499 215 | +49 30 25499 202 |
Tele Danmark (KTAS) | Hans Erik Nicolaysen | | +45 3399 3230 | +45 3320 3465 |
IBM | Jürgen Schneider | | +49 62221 59 4205 | +49 6221 59 3300 |
Marben | Michel Louis | | +33 93 18 15 00 | +33 93 18 00 32 |
Ericsson | Peter Søby Nielsen | | +45 3388 3827 | +45 3388 3129 |
DSC Communications | Morten Skov | | +45 4348 3073 | +45 4363 1320 |
Broadcom | David Hayes | | +353 1 6761531 | +353 1 6761532 |
UCL | David Lewis | | +44 171 391 1327 | +44 171 387 1397 |
(All deliverables as DOS-ZIP archive)