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By Lawrence J. Magid
Published by the National
Center for Missing and Exploited Children
Whatever it's called, millions of people are now connecting their personal computers to telephone lines so that they can "go online." Traditionally, online services have been oriented towards adults, but that's changing. An increasing number of schools are going online and, in many homes, children are logging on to commercial services, private bulletin boards, and the Internet. As a parent you need to understand the nature of these systems.
The vast
array of services that you currently find online is constantly
growing. Reference information such as news, weather, sports,
stock quotes, movie reviews, encyclopedias, and airline fares are
readily available online. Users can conduct transactions such as
trading stocks, making travel reservations, banking, and shopping
online. Millions of people communicate through electronic mail
(E-mail) with family and friends around the world and others use
the public message boards to make new friends who share common
interests. As an educational and entertainment tool users can
learn about virtually any topic, take a college course, or play
an endless number of computer games with other users or against
the computer itself. User "computing" is enhanced by
accessing online thousands of shareware and free public domain
software titles.
Most people who use online services have mainly positive experiences. But, like any endeavor-- traveling, cooking, or attending school-- there are some risks. The online world, like the rest of society, is made up of a wide array of people. Most are decent and respectful, but some may be rude, obnoxious, insulting, or even mean and exploitative.
Children and teenagers get a lot of benefit from being online, but they can also be targets of crime and exploitation in this as in any other environment. Trusting, curious, and anxious to explore this new world and the relationships it brings, children and teenagers need parental supervision and common sense advice on how to be sure that their experiences in "cyberspace" are happy, healthy, and productive.
there have been some highly publicized cases of abuse involving
computers, reported cases are relatively infrequent. Of course,
like most crimes against children, many cases go unreported,
especially if the child is engaged in an activity that he or she
does not want to discuss with a parent. The fact that crimes are
being committed online, however, is not a reason to avoid using
these services. To tell children to stop using these services
would be like telling them to forgo attending college because
students are sometimes victimized on campus.
A better strategy would be for children to learn how to be "street smart" in order to better safeguard themselves in any potentially dangerous situation.
There are a
few risks for children who use online services. Teenagers are
particularly at risk because they often use the computer
unsupervised and because they are more likely than younger
children to participate in online discussions regarding
companionship, relationships, or sexual activity. Some risks are:
Most online services and Internet providers allow parents to limit their children's access to certain services and features such as adult oriented "chat" and bulletin boards. Check for these when you first subscribe. In addition there are now programs designed specifically to enable parents to prevent children from accessing inappropriate materials on the Internet. These tools, while not foolproof, are useful for helping parents control children's access, but they cannot take the place of parental involvement and supervision.
The Internet and some private bulletin boards contain areas designed specifically for adults who wish to post, view, or read sexually explicit material. Most private bulletin board operators who post such material limit access to people who attest that they are adults but, like any other safeguards, be aware that there are always going to be cases where adults fail to enforce themor children find ways around them.
The best way to assure that your children are having positive online experiences is to stay in touch with what they are doing. One way to do this is to spend time with your children while they're online. Have them show you what they do and ask them to teach you how to access the services.
While children and teenagers need a certain amount of privacy, they also need parental involvement and supervision in their daily lives. The same general parenting skills that apply to the "real world" also apply while online.
If you have cause for concern about your children's online activities, talk to them. Also seek out the advice and counsel of other computer users in your area and become familiar with literature on these systems. Open communication with your children, utilization of such computer resources, and getting online yourself will help you obtain the full benefits of these systems and alert you to any potential problem that may occur with their use.
By taking
responsibility for your children's online computer use, parents
can greatly minimize any potential risks of being online. Make it
a family rule to:
For further information on child safety, please call the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children at 1-800-THE-LOST (1-800-843-5678).
This brochure was written by Lawrence J. Magid, a syndicated columnist for the Los Angeles Times, who is author of Cruising Online: Larry Magid's Guide to the New Digital Highway (Random House, 1994) and The Little PC Book (Peachpit Press, 1993 and 1996).
Child Safety on the Information Highway was jointly produced by the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children and the Interactive Services Association (8403 Colesville Road, Suite 865, Silver Spring, MD 20910, e-mail:
The National Center for Missing and Exploited Children (NCMEC) is funded under Cooperative Agreement #95-MC-CX-K001 from the Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention, Office of Justice Programs, U.S. Department of Justice. Points of view or opinions in this brochure are those of NCMEC and do not necessarily represent the official position or policies of the U.S. Department of Justice.
Copyright © 1994, 1995 and 1996 The National Center for
Missing and Exploited Children
2101 Wilson Boulevard, Suite 550,
Arlington, Virginia 22201-3052,
All rights reserved.