Knowledge independent elements of the optimization of self-instruction
(from P.A.Wozniak, Economics of Learning)
Before I move toward representation of knowledge, I would only shortly like to list some other principles of effective learning that are representation independent:
- because of the atomic nature of knowledge implied by the principles of repetition spacing algorithms such as Algorithm SM-8, repetitions of question-answer items must not be equated with learning per se. In the process of learning, the coherent graph of semantic links between elements of the learned material is formed. This graph can be constructed by means of item-by-item build up; however, a standard textbook, hypertext document or interactive tutor will always have an efficacy advantage because of no implied granularity constraint. In other words, one should always learn first, and only then work with a repetition spacing system in order to retain the newly formed memory engrams over a longer period of time. An important note is due here: granularity of knowledge in repetition spacing is an inherent characteristic of human memory rather than a drawback of the method. After all, it does not prevent an associative nature of knowledge as stored in memory. It affects only the way stimuli are presented at repetitions in order to maximize the memory effect.
- a fundamental principle of learning is to apply active recall rather than passive recognition. Active recall is more demanding from the memory consolidation standpoint, and it is closer to matching the real life situations with respect to what sort of synaptic connections should be strengthened.
- the degree of concentration on the learned or repeated material has an enormous impact on the effectiveness of learning; however, it is in major part knowledge system-independent and cannot significantly be influenced by a knowledge system developer
- the inherent phenomenon associated with repetition spacing algorithms is the accumulation of material in cases of breaks in learning. This imposes a moderation constraint on the student, as piling up outstanding repetition material negatively affects the students attitude towards the learning process
- finally, a whole range of mental and physical health aspects affects the learning process, but these consideration reach far beyond the scope of the presented text