Learning Learning
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Learning Learning is a quarterly, bilingual (English/Japanese) newsletter published by JALT's Learner Development N-SIG. So far, volumes 1 (1994) and 2 (1995-6) have been been completed, and hard copies are available for Y1,000 per volume (incl. postage) from Hugh Nicoll, Miyazaki Municipal University, 1-1-2 Funatsuka, Miyazaki-shi 880 Japan, phone (w) +81 985-20-2000, fax (w) +81 985-20-4897, e-mail hnicoll@funatsuka.miyazaki-mu.ac.jp.
Current editors : Sumiko Taniguchi, JAC00523@niftyserve.or.jp, and Steve Cornwell, stevec@gol.com
Contributions : The editors are happy to hear from anyone (including non-members) interested in contributing articles, book reviews, lesson reports, news etc. to Learning Learning.
A selection of articles, reports and book reviews in back issues
We're planning to put all the articles listed here on the Web. Please visit us again if the files of the articles you're interested in are not here yet!
- Vol.1, no.1 (March, 1994)
- Vol.1, no.2 (July, 1994)
- What do they think? A survey of student language learning beliefs (Keith Adams)
- Can students set their own goals and objectives?: A preliminary report (Dale T. Griffee)
- Before writing: Developing awareness of English rhetorical structure (Sonia Yoshitake)
- Vol.1, no.3 (September, 1994)
- On the use of TV Programs in self-directed Japanese language learning by immigrants to Japan (Mari Nishitani; summary by Akiko Kashiwamura)
- Vol.1, no.4 (December, 1994)
- The Silent Way: Subordinating teaching to learning (Roslyn Young)
- Vol.2, no.1 (March, 1995)
- Vol.2, no.2 (July, 1995)
- Vol 2, no.3 (December, 1995)
- Vol.2, no.4 (February, 1996)
- Report on the fifth Nordic Workshop on Developing Autonomous Learning (Peter Voller)
- The politics of learner autonomy (David Little)
- Vol.3, no.1 (April, 1996)
- Pedagogy and andragogy: A false dichotomy? (Stephen Brivati)
- A reader responce approach to junior high oral communication classes (Barry Mateer)
- Who's ruling whom?: Shifting control and initiative from the teacher to young learners (Renee Gauthier)
- Vol.3, no.2 (October, 1996)
- Tokyo JALT Spring Conference Reports
- Reports from the Teacher/Learner Development Action Workshops
- Reports and Reflections relating to the Conference on Autonomy in Language Learning held at Hong Kong University of Science and Technology and Chinese University of Hong Kong, June 23rd-25th, 1994
- Conference overview (Richard Smith) (Vol.1, no.3).
- Designing materials to promote autonomous learning by David Nunan (report by Ian Harrison) (Vol.1, no.3).
- Counselling and consultation for autonomy: the skilled helper in self-access language learning by Rena Kelly (report by Naoko Aoki) (Vol.1, no.3).
- Students in the academic community: Aspiring to meaningful autonomy by Nigel Bruce (reflection by Hugh Nicoll) (Vol.1, no.3).
- Introduction of self-directed learning to learners of Japanese language by Chihiro Kinoshita Thomson (report by Naoko Aoki) (Vol.1, no.4).
- The autonomous learner as researcher, discourse analyst and experimenter by Ken Willing (report by Richard Smith) (Vol.2, no.1).
- An interview with Leni Dam (report and interview by Richard Smith) (Vol.2, no.1).
- Autonomy in Asia (Naoko Aoki) (Vol.1, no.4).
Note: Selected papers from those presented at the Conference on Autonomy in Language Learning have been published in Taking Control : Autonomy in Language Learning

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